Guiding heart-centred journeys in Yoga, Movement Arts, Mindfulness, Sound & Song, Natural Living & Creative Expression
BFA Film, E-RYT 500, YACEP, Embodied Arts Movement & Mindfulness Grad,
100 Hr Sound Ceremony Grad & Facilitator
From: Toronto, Canada
Currently thriving in: Lago Atitlán, Guatemala
I lovingly guide Body-Mind-Spirit practices & journeys along the path of heart-centred thriving. I am doing this heart work, and walking this path, for all my relations. For all beings.
The HEART MEDICINES I work with include:
YOGA - Ancient traditions embraced in a modern context, devotion embodied.
MOVEMENT ARTS - Waking up to play, connection, sensuality, strength & compassionate curiosity.
MINDFULNESS - Meditation becomes a living practice of 'being Love', in loving awareness.
SOUND & SONG - Listen deeply, feel life's vibrations, harmonize, free your voice, find your heart's song.
NATURAL LIVING - We are Nature… Work with Nature’s rhythms holistically.
CREATIVE EXPRESSION - Find your expression & empower it with purpose!
I have chosen to navigate beyond the borders of the status quo, and into a more spacious and heart-centred way of being.
Or perhaps this path has chosen me...
If you had asked me, years ago, what my path would be, I might tell a very different story. Offering you the narrative that implied that I had it all together. In the quest to achieve the perfect 'status quo' life I was married, planning a family, a proud homeowner and landlord, buying all sorts of 'stuff' to fill the space, penciling in every spare moment in my calendar with a 'must-do', a successful career woman in digital media production (with a Bachelor of Fine Arts: Film from Ryerson University), teaching & practising yoga in the waking hours that remained. I was wearing the sleepless nights and bustling days like badges of honour. Perfect, right?
And yet, the grander my castles in the sky became, the more unsettled I began to feel - a trembling of the heart and a growing turmoil within. My body began to say no. So, I ventured inwards, entering into the shadowy places that I had run from. Noticing what arose as the space opened up.
It was in this place of radical receptivity that I began listening to the whispers of my heart - now becoming a deafening roar. And like a row of dominoes, the unfolding picked up pace. Tired of resisting the true currents of life, I had no choice but to enter into the flow and embrace the unknown.
And so, in the midst of all the flux, I return to the heart. Again, and again, and again. Creating space to let love in. To let love flow through. And then I venture into the questions and uncertainty, stumbling & dancing, heart ablaze, co-creating in the richness of community, grateful for our shared pulse.
As a student of yoga for over 17 years, my Yoga Alliance registered 500 Hr+ Yoga Teacher Trainings, and continued diverse explorations and trainings (in Movement Arts, Mindfulness, Sacred Sound, Shamanic Arts & Plant Medicines, and Trauma Sensitivity) have led me to deeper awakenings. Unfolding my practice into one of service & compassionate curiosity. Sharing & engaging through private sessions, group classes, workshops & events, retreats, online workshops, vlogs, and community engagement.
Dear warriors of love, wherever you find yourself in this journey of life, I see you. Hear you. Feel you. The world needs your courageous & joyous heart! Your playful spirit! And your deep presence! Let's step into the Space of Love, together. Becoming better equipped to respond fearlessly and compassionately to the needs of our world. Because, when you thrive, we all thrive!
BFA Film, E-RYT 500, YACEP, SOUND CEREMONY ... and life unfolding
BACHELOR OF FINE ARTS, B.F.A. [FILM PRODUCTION] @ RYERSON UNIVERSITY in Toronto, Canada (trained by Kathryn Beet, Patricia White, Hali Schwartz, Darcie Clark, Leslie Hopkins) [2007]\
200 HR YOGA TEACHER TRAINING [Hatha / Vinyasa] @ YOGASPACE in Toronto, Canada (trained by Kathryn Beet, Patricia White, Hali Schwartz, Darcie Clark, Leslie Hopkins) [2014]
300 HR ADVANCED YOGA TEACHER TRAINING [Tantra Hatha / Vinyasa / Restorative / Yoga Nidra] @ ZUNA YOGA in Bali, Indonesia (Trained by Everett Newell, Catherine Girling, Anna Rhein & Michaella Robb) [2017]
SUP (STAND UP PADDLEBOARD) YOGA Certification @ ZUNA YOGA in Bali, Indonesia (Trained by Anna Rhein) [2017]
BE MOVED. BE STILL. EMBODIED ARTS TEACHER TRAINING & MENTORSHIP [An interdisciplinary approach to movement & mindfulness education] w/ SPIRIT LOFT in Toronto, Canada (Trained by Andre Talbot, Catalina Moraga & Guest Faculty) [10-Month Program, 2018]
100 HR SOUND CEREMONY TRAINING [Nada, Bahkti, Mantra Yoga & Philosophy merged in Shamanic Sound Healing] w/ SOUND CEREMONY in Guatemala (Trained by Jayananda & Saraswati) [2019]
100 HR SOUND CEREMONY APPRENTICESHIP [Nada, Bahkti, Mantra Yoga & Philosophy merged in Shamanic Sound Healing] w/ SOUND CEREMONY in Guatemala (Trained by Jayananda & Saraswati) [2021]
75 HR SOUND CEREMONY TRAINING ONLINE [Nada, Bahkti, Mantra Yoga & Philosophy merged in Shamanic Sound Healing] w/ SOUND CEREMONY Online (Trained by Jayananda & Saraswati) [2022]
Depression, Anxiety & Trauma Sensitivity Training for Yoga Teachers w/ Blu Matter Project [2014]
Continued private mentorship in Yoga Philosophy & Sanskrit w/ Hali Schwartz [2014-2020]
Continued private mentorship in Plant Medicines, Medicine Songs & Shamanic Healing w/ Pura Vidya [2018-2022]
Reaching In, Reaching Out; Yoga For Youth Training w/ New Leaf Foundation [2016]
Embodying Ethics & Vows For Modern Life Course w/ Michael Stone [2017]
5- Day Silent Meditation Immersions x2 w/ Michael Stone [2015 & 2016]
Breathing The Body Into Stillness Intensives x2 w/ Michael Stone [2016 & 2017]
Yoga For All Intensive w/ Dianne Bondy [2018]
Awareness Intensive: ‘Who Is In?’ w/ Ramya & PachaMama [2017]
7- Day Silent Meditation Immersion w/ Tyohar & PachaMama [2017]
Fighting Monkey Practice Intensive w/ Jozef Frucek [2017]
AGATSU Assessment Course Cert. w/ Agatsu Inc. [2017]
REIKI: Gendai Reiki Ryoho – Level 1 Shoden w/ Samantha Chin [2017]
Emergency First Aid CPR/AED Level C [2017]
"Working with Stephanie and Space of Love has been one of the best decisions I have ever made. Over the past year, our online sessions have helped me navigate through my most challenging waters.
As a Yogi, Mentor, Spiritual Coach, and Meditation Teacher, Stephanie holds a very safe, authentic and grounded space for self exploration, while guiding you on a journey to explore the totality of you in relation to life itself.
Her ability to meet you where you're at, hold a true Space of Love and offer insight and tools to empower change and growth is absolutely amazing. Focusing on the Foundations of Mindfulness in our sessions has opened my eyes to greater self awareness, compassionate patience, inner-strength, non-attachment and above all freedom from pain from the past.
Her Meditations are my favorite, and they always leave me calmly centered in who I am. Since working together, my personal meditation practice has consistently grown stronger week after week, and I am grateful for all of the energy, skills and knowledge that is offered.
Building a better relationship with myself in the Space of Love has been truly transformational, and I highly recommended working with Stephanie and her team to help you align in a healthy space on your journey of becoming."
~ Caitlynn Rainey
Meditation Mentoring Student, 2021 - 2022
"I came to Space of Love's private coaching to improve my ability to express myself on the outside - my voice and body language - in a way that authentically represented who I am on the inside. My intention was to be able to use these skills in my work as a College teacher and entrepreneur, and in my personal relationships.
I was pleasantly surprised that Steph and VJ took the time to create a completely customized program for me. We worked on skills that got me out of my comfort zone to practice expressing myself, and it all culminated in me doing my first ever Instagram interview live. While there definitely was resistance on my end, Steph and VJ created a safe, nonjudgmental, and fun space for me to challenge what I'm capable of. And I'm very grateful for that experience - it's one that will stay with me as a personal story of feeling fearful, taking action anyway, and growing from it. I know this experience and the tangible skills I gained will continue to serve me in business and life. Thank you Steph, VJ, and The Space of Love!"
~ John J, 'Empowered Expression' Student, 2022
"Stephanie is my motivator, mentor, cheerleader and friend. She has the unique ability of being able to read me within seconds of seeing me and can adjust our practices to what my mind, body and soul need at that moment, without missing a beat. I am a novice yoga soul at best, and have many physical limitations from past injuries. Her amazing character and ability to be both caring and tough throughout the process has not only improved my abilities but also made me fall in love with yoga."
~ Emma
Private Yoga Student, 2014 - 2018
"Stephanie is bright, sharp, sensitive, and deeply devoted to not only helping others, but to understanding them. She’s always displayed a real ability to connect with others and help whenever the need arose. Her self-discipline is something that I find very inspiring. It is my opinion that this yoga community, both local and global, is enriched because of people like Stephanie.”
~ Hali Schwartz
Yoga Philosophy & Sanskrit Teacher, 2014 – 2022
"Thank you for sharing with us your passion and talent – all who have attended the sessions have all said it – YOU’RE THE BEST! There is some ‘magical’ warmth and amazing energy that emanates from you, and we have been fortunate to share in your energy and kindness."
~ Stefanie
Workplace Wellness Client; Stantec, 2018