Grant and Jaden are the founders of Bridge the Gap Yoga, where they are using ancient technology to unlock human potential in the modern world. Their intention is to "bridge" science and spirituality by applying common sense understanding to bring that which is traditional and sacred into the normal and mundane. They believe that life is meant to be easy, joyous, light, and free, and when it is not, there are practices that we can rely upon to bring us back to this center. Those who know Grant and Jaden know that they love to sing, dance, and play, while also honoring, with sincerity, the potency of Yogic teaching. They give thanks to those who've come before them and wish to share the medicine of their own experiences with the next generation. OM, namaste.

We are more than just a yoga school. We are a concept. We are a community. We are a Sangha.
We are people determined to make a change.
We are students of life.
We are here to make a difference.
We are here to live, fully.
Bridge the Gap Yoga has been organized around the sacred laws of human life. We are all born with a special purpose for being here. What is that destiny, and how do we live it? We are determined to create an environment that encourages and empowers the discovery of these inspirations.
To empower each individual to embody their fullest expression, the Bridge the Gap Yoga school uses practices, techniques and methods that have been time-tested and validated for their efficacy at maximizing human potential. We are after real human spiritual transformation. Embodied spiritual disciplines such as a principle-based yoga practice increases our sensitivity; vocal tools such as music, singing and chanting amplify the qualities of deep listening and human expression; ritual and ceremony boost our devotion; the deep silence of meditation refines our competency of inner stillness; and community comes together to connect us all and remind us of our authenticity and our humanity. All of these things blend together to create the BTGY system. This creates the proper environment for profound transformation to occur. We are determined to inspire people to do the ‘work’.
The work we do is centered around Presence, which is the merge of our perception with the immediate environment. This is a result of a nervous system that is tuned to the Here-Now moment. Everything we are doing at BTGY is designed to enhance the functioning of the nervous system. This system functions within the spectrum of two fundamental qualities: sensitivity and stillness. We can do practices to help us develop these spiritual competencies, and thus we can learn how to hold space for life while also being creatively engaged in it. This provides the space for inspiration to birth itself. This is how we digest the unresolved material of the past and as generate a new future for ourselves, instead of repeating our patterns and habits. We do this by refining our capacity to be Here-Now. We do this by cultivating Presence. In Presence, the light of our evolutionary self shines forth.